The Better the Skin Care the Better the Makeup!

If you’ve been on Youtube or Tiktok, you’ve definitely seen the endless amount of skincare advice videos filling your recommended page. Like every other millennial, I’ve fallen victim to being deeply submerged in the black hole entitled “My Skincare Routine”. Now I can use the hours spent watching these videos as an excuse to give you some advice on how to better your routine! You can thank me for this gracious research later.

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First things first…


Cleansing will kick off our start to your skincare journey. Whether you sweat in that chemical loaded foundation all day or like that bare face look, cleansing is crucial to digging all that dirt and grime nastiness out of your face! If you wear makeup, skin care specialists highly advise a double cleanse system. Meaning you first remove that makeup with a cleanser or cleansing oil to get to those pores than going in with another cleanser to clean out those pores. Some good ones are the Micellar Cleansing Water or CeraVE to get you all squeaky clean. Just massage it into your face, rinse with water and you’re all good!


Toner isn’t required but, can provide some benefits. It helps those pores to absorb following products better and add things like retinoids and antioxidants into your routine. It also can remove whatever dead skin, dirt or oil that’s left on your face. Rose water is a natural Toner and can make a great addition to your skin care!


Though exfoliator is no doubt the most satisfying part of skincare, you should NOT do this step too often! Skincare specialist advise only introducing this step into your routine once or twice a week, otherwise you can overly strip the skin. There are two types of exfoliators you can use - mechanical or chemical. Mechanical exfoliators are the typical ones you see like sugar scrubs that use granules being rubbed against the skin to remove that dead skin. You have to be careful though, there isn’t really a way to guarantee that these granules are the same shape causing some to be too sharp and creating micro tears in your skin. It’s chemical counterpart, though much more terrifying on just name base, can be more safe for your skin. Since it doesn’t require that rubbing that can cause tears or over exfoliation, it’s a little safer for the skin. Just put the chemical exfoliator on a cotton round, apply to face then rinse!


Whether you have oily or dry skin, moisturizing is so so important! MOisturizer helps to protect skin from damage, Aides the anti-aging process and slows down the evaporation of your skin’s natural moisture. Nicely moisturized skin also makes your makeup lay on your face so much better. Not only is it beneficial, it feels so nice!


SUnscreen is probably the most important step in your skincare routine. It’s no secret that the sun can cause a lot of damage to your skin including skin cancer. THe sun also increases aging in your skin. So if you want that supple cancer-free baby face for years to come, Make sure to not skip out on the spf!

Ember Hubler